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BBCode på Garaget
Videon publicerades på Garaget 2023-11-22 15:28
Review of the new Mercedes AMG C63 S E-Performance. The worlds most powerful production 4-cyl engine combined with a F1-technology based battery that will make your head spin. This is why you dont need the V8 anymore. Click play and see what I mean. Don't forget to subscribe and comment. And also, let us know what you would want us to test. www.wcwt.se SPONSORS/COLLABORATORS Bythjul.com Köp dina nya vinterdäck och fälgar på Bythjul.com och spara upp till 40% jämfört med att köpa på däckverkstad. Välj leverans & montering hos någon av de 700 ansluta däckverkstäderna så är allt betalat och klart inför ditt besök. Rabattkod: SmEa8U ? 5% på hela sortimentet, även nedsatta produkter Rabattkod skruvat: Klubb5, gäller på alla produkter. Giltig t.o.m 31/12 https://bit.ly/3ZYvZ7z Bythjul.com Drive safe and save money - order your new winter tires and rims from Bythjul. Delivery to Sweden, Norway & Soumi. Great discount until 31/12 https://bit.ly/3ZYvZ7z HANINGE MK Högstabanan is a motorcenter in Haninge community south of Stockholm. Competiotions and events in crosskart, rallycross and folkrace is driven here. There are also motorcrosscircuits and offroad trails for jeeps/SUV's here. Sub competitions of the Swedish Championship in rallycross is held here since 2010. Contact info: https://www.haningemotorklubb.se/ info@haningemotorklubb.se Maxibianca - High quality kick bikes and regular bikes. www.maxibianca.se hej@maxibianca.se The team behind WCWT: Sebastian Nylander Jocke Mangs Marcus Ryderborn @marcusryderborn Henrik Guldbrandsson Daniel Bramme #mercedes #carreview #cars

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